Feelings, Breath & Posture
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FEELINGS AND BREATH, AND FEELINGS AND POSTURE You can detect how a person is feeling by their breathing. Please try the following exercises so you can experience what I [...]
THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FEELINGS AND BREATH, AND FEELINGS AND POSTURE You can detect how a person is feeling by their breathing. Please try the following exercises so you can experience what I [...]
8 Powerful Steps to Self-Love Being kind to yourself helps you bounce back, live healthier, and stay on track. Self-compassion is a way of relating to yourself that does not involve harshly [...]
What team are you on Green or Red pesto? Pesto is one of our favorite & simple ways of jazzing up something good to the next level.Both recipes below.Green Pesto:Ingredients:• 50 grams Fresh [...]
PATRIOTIC FLAG FRUIT PLATTER This Patriotic Flag Fruit Platter is a healthy and easy 10 minute recipe that is perfect for an appetizer, snack or dessert for Memorial Day for a fun [...]
Why you can’t stop overeating junk food. Plus 7 ways to get control. By Jennifer Broxterman, MS, RD Can’t resist the chips… the cookies… the ice cream? Actually, it’s normal to feel like [...]
How to eat healthy on a budget: 5 ways to prioritize nutrition while reducing cost. By Alex Picot-Annand and Jennifer Nickle Organic produce, artisanal sourdough, strictly grass-fed meat: Yes, they’re ‘good’ for you… [...]
Sheet Pan Chicken & Asparagus with Baby Potatoes Prep Time 10 mins, Cook Time 30 mins, Total Time 40 mins Servings: 4 servings Calories: 238kcal Ingredients 2 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp lemon juice 4 cloves garlic minced or 2-3 teaspoons [...]
COVID-19: Exercise may protect against deadly complication A single session of exercise increases the production of a critical antioxidant, called EcSOD, helping to reduce the effects of COVID-19 infection. Summary: Regular exercise [...]