Why Assisted Stretching is the Key to Fantastic Flexibility

The key to staying young, (notice I did not say getting older) is flexibility and range of motion. Our fascia (the connective layer of tissue that provides the shape and form of our bodies) is continually in the process of regenerating itself. If our fascia is restricted, constricted, shortened due to life activity, trauma in the form of acute injuries, environmental toxins, poor nutrition, poor circulation, lack of oxygen distribution then our flexibility and range of motion is drastically reduced. When our flexibility and range of motion is drastically reduced we feel tight, stiff, sore, compressed, which leads to a decrease in mobility, a greater risk of injury, depletion of energy, loss of sleep, poor muscle tone and an increased propensity toward unhealthy lifestyle choices.
According to the Mayo Clinic, assisted stretching can:
- Improve your performance in physical activities.
- Reduce your risk of injuries.
- Help enable a full range of motion for your joints.
- Allow your muscles to work more effectively.
Benefits of better flexibility include:
- Less muscle stress during workouts and daily activities.
- Increased range of motion, leading to better joint lubrication.
- Improved muscular balance, helping you feel taller and stand straighter.
As for mobility, here are three of the pluses:
- Improved muscle coordination.
- Prevention of age-induced physical limitations.
- Better activation and engagement of the muscles.*
We cannot change the course of time but we can change our attitude, perspectives, and behaviors and stay young. “Getting old is for the birds” so don’t, choose to stay young by developing healthy practices, positive perspectives, and pro-active measures.
*Information for this article was gathered by an article you can read by clicking on the link: https://www.vitacost.com/blog/sports-and-fitness/fitness-advice/assisted-stretching-benefits.html
Give the team at GR8LIFECEO a visit on the web www.gr8lifeceo.com and see how we can be your assisted stretching professionals.